Wednesday, March 31, 2010


meja pendaftaran
penuntut pandu puteri yang ikut perkemahan
5 orang sebenarnya
seorang akhir datang
sewaktu melapor diri - berkawat
mengambil sleeping bag masing-masing
menuju ke perkemahan

membawa barang-barang


membersihkan khemah

Pemimpin PanduPuteri memeriksa khemah
khemah yang siap di dirikan

kawat sebelum memulakan aktiviti

menyanyikan lagi 'Hero' dan 'Kau & Aku'

Malam Kebudayaan


SM PJN PHAB, KB - Pada 25hb hingga 27 hb Mac 2001 [Khamis - Sabtu] sekolah PJN telah mengadakan Khen Waja Wira-Wirawati (K3W), dengan membawa tema 'Membentuk Pelajar yang Berwibawa'.

K3W bermaksud:

melahirkan pelajar-pelajar yang titih, lutanan dan berani, berdedikasi, berinovatif, berdaya kreatif serta maju dalam bidang akademik dan ko-kurikulum.

Perkemahan ini melibatkan ahli-ahli pasukan beruniform dan penuntut-penuntut yang diberi jawatan, iaitu:

(1) Pasukan Pandu Puteri
(2) Kadet Tentera
(3) Kadet Polis
(4) Kadet Bomba
(5) Prefect
(6) MPP

Tujuan K3W:

(a) Mengumpulkan dan menyatupadukan penuntut-penuntut yang mengikuti pasukan beruniform serta penuntut-penuntut yang diberi jawatan di sekolah dalam bentuk perkemahan.

(b) Menyediakan peluang bagi mengisi masa lapang atau cuti persekolahan dengan aktiviti perkemahan yang berfaedah, bermanfaat, memberi keseronokan, pembinaan kesihatan serta kesejahteraan diri.

(c) Mengurangkan penglibatan pelajar dalam aktiviti yang tidak sihat dan tidak diingini.

(d) Menyemai dan memupuk nilai-nilai murni, perasaan muhibbah, perpaduan dan setia kawan, bersatupadu dan mengeratkan silaturrahim antara satu sama lain.

(e) Melatih mereka bagaimana cara bekerjasama "team work" di dalam setia majlis yang dianjurkan di sekolah sama ada secara formal atau tidak formal.

(f) Melatih mereka untuk belajar berdikari tanpa perlu sentiasa diarah dan juga menanam semangat bekerja berpasukan dan berkumpulan sesama mereka.

antara aktiviti yang dijalankan:
- persembahan kawad
- ice breaking
- kuliah subuh
- aerobic/jogging
- Bina Jati Diri
- Tresure Hunt
- Taklimat : Mengenal Diri
- Aktiviti : Kau & Aku dalam Konteks Kerja Berpasukan
- Nyanyian beramai-ramai 'Hero", "Kau dan Aku"
- Perlawanan tarik kalat
- Ceramah Ugama : Pemimpin & Sifat Jujur"
- berzikir
- Malam Kebudayaan
- Barbekue
- Lawatan ke Bomba PAnaga
- Combat Race
- Taklimat 'Disiplin pada Diri Seorang Pemimpin'

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Audience to WAGGGS Board Members

BB, 18 Mac 2010,Text & photo by Amie PDH Ishak
Her Majesty Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Hjh Saleha yesterday granted three different audiences at the Istana Nurul Iman. Photo shows Her Majesty receiving the Board Members of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) from Australia, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, China and Ireland.

Friday, March 19, 2010


Tarikh : 19 Mac 2010
Hari : Jumaat
Jam : 8.30 am
Tempat : Ibu Pejabat PPPBD, Block B12, Spg 32-66, Anggerek Desa Berakas.


Sunday, March 7, 2010

How World Thinking Day Started…

The Founder, Lord Baden-Powell, and the World Chief Guide, Olave, Lady Baden-Powell at the 4th International Conference, 1926.~ GSUSA archive photo. ~

World Thinking Day was first created in 1926 at the fourth Girl Guide/Girl Scout International Conference, held at Girl Scouts of the USA's Camp Edith Macy (now called Edith Macy Conference Center). Conference attendees decided that there should be a special day when Girl Guides and Girl Scouts all around the world think of each other and give thanks and appreciation for their "sister" Girl Guides/Scouts.

The delegates chose February 22 as the date for Thinking Day because it was the mutual birthday of Lord Baden-Powell, founder of the Boy Scout movement, and his wife Lady Olave, who served as World Chief Guide. In1932, at the seventh World Conference, held in Poland, a Belgian delegate suggested that since birthdays usually involve presents, girls could show their appreciation and friendship on Thinking Day not only by extending warm wishes but by offering a voluntary contribution to the World Association. This is how the World Association's Thinking Day Fund began. The fund helps offer Girl Guiding/Girl Scouting to more girls and young women worldwide. To emphasize the global aspect of Thinking Day, members at the 30th World Conference, held in Ireland in 1999, changed the name Thinking Day to World Thinking Day. Letter from the World Chief Guide (22 February 1932)

The Thinking Day Symbol

The Thinking Day symbol was introduced in 1975. The World Trefoil in the centre represents the World Association, whilst arrows pointing towards it represent action and direction. The circular design represents the World of the Girl Guide/Girl Scout Movement.

Royalty at World Thinking Day

Text & photo by Azrol Azmi
Her Majesty Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Hjh Saleha, Her Royal Highness Pengiran Isteri Azrinaz Mazhar and other members of the Royal family attending the launching of the Brunei Darussalam Girl Guides Association website to mark World Thinking Day 2010 yesterday.

Her Majesty planting a durian sapling. - PHOTOS: AZROL AZMI

HRH Pengiran Isteri Azrinaz Mazhar planting a durian sapling.

Her Majesty and HRH Pengiran Isteri Azrinaz Mazhar taking a closer look at an array of photos of past activities carried out by the associat

Her Majesty and other members of the royal family touring the compound of the headquarters where vegetables and fruits are being cultivated.

Girl guides and brownies demonstrating a modern technique of planting crops.

Over 300 Girl Guides and brownies marked the World Thinking Day yesterday at their headquarters in Anggerek Desa to raise awareness on world poverty and hunger.
Her Majesty Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Hajah Saleha and Her Royal Highness Pengiran Isteri Azrinaz Mazhar attended the celebration as Girl Guides and Brownies showcased their activities and endeavours.
Also in attendance were Her Royal Highness Princess Hajah Rashidah Sa'adatul Bolkiah, Her Royal Highness Princess Hajah Masna and Her Royal Highness Princess Hajah Amal Umi Kalthum Al-Islam.
Upon arrival, Her Majesty officiated the launch of the Brunei Darussalam Girl Guides Association website, before being taken on a tour of the grounds on which the girls had prepared displays of their activities and performed a pantomime dedicated to the day's theme, "Together We Can End Extreme Poverty and Hunger".
These activities tied in with the theme, which was also in line with one of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals of "eradicating poverty and hunger".
One of the endeavours is to cultivate fruits and vegetables, which the girls will harvest and sell for the benefit of the less fortunate.
Earlier, Her Majesty and other members of the royal family marked the significance of the day with the planting of five durian trees.

Saturday, March 6, 2010



TARIKH : 5 MAC 2010
JAM : 2.00-4.30 PETANG